Sunday, December 6, 2009



When you decide to own a pet, you give yourself the ability to form a life-long bond with another creature. I own a Chihuahua and understand the value of having a great relationship with yours. Puppy is my little buddy, travel companion, and a major part of my life. I'm sure your little Chi is just as important to you.

You must learn certain simple skills to master the art of How To Train a Chihuahua. Basically, you cannot expect the chihuahua to be the trainer! You must learn the art of training the Chi first.Its not just about saying "here boy, sit". Anyone can learn the skills to train a Chihuahua.

1.You need to understand how the Chihuahua's mind works. Once you know that, you will know how to interpret what he is thinking. Sometimes the changes are overnight.

2. Learning how to train a Chihuahua so that he quickly learns desired behaviors is very important. Your dog will become a great companion and welcome though out the neighborhood once he is trained properly.
3. You must learn to quickly and easily STOP any unwanted problem behaviors, thereby transforming your Chihuahua into the perfectly behaved companion you have always wanted.

How do we learn how they think? Simple, by understanding how they think. Chihuahuas think in with their sensory input, smell, taste, and sight. Images are what drive them, not words.They learn how to influence their environment by first understanding what the environment surrounding them is all about, and then they execute the behaviors that will give them what they want. Humans and dogs have totally different ways of thinking about things. They have no understanding of words in that they know what you said and can create the image of what you are talking about.For example, you can easily learn how to interpret the signal that they are sending you when they bark. Humans need to learn to speak the language!

How to we teach them the right behaviors that we want them to exhibit? Professional trainers use a skill called SHAPING. You can easily learn how it works.. One type of shaping method is Clicker training.You train a chihuahua by giving them a treat after they perform the behavior correctly.He will quickly respond to the clicker's sound. Chihuahuas enjoy the clicker's sound and will learn quickly when using this technique.

Chihuahuas are like children. Guidelines and rules are necessary for both to do well in their lives. You don't need to be mean, sharp or hard on the dog. You can show leadership and respect at the same time. There is no such thing as a Chihuahua that cannot be trained. There are only owners that are to lazy to do the work needed to learn how to train them. Just like children, the chihuahua learns in steps."Sit", "Stay", "Stand" are the first skills Chihuahuas have to learn. From there they can learn other skills, gradually building on the initial base.

Understand, you must be patient- your Chi is a baby during the learning process (whether your Chihuahua is a puppy or an adult). Your Chihuahua must learn to take baby steps, then with lots of love and reinforcement, he will be able to do many new tricks quickly.

How to How To Train a Chihuahua in only 6 days!
Little-Known Secrets To Getting your Chihuahua To Obey!"

If you'd love to discover EXACTLY how to...

Get your Chi to stop urinating on your carpet and
actually ring a bell when he needs to potty

Train chihuahua puppies to NEVER chew on furniture, or
expensive rugs... even when you aren't there to

Simple techniques for getting your chihuahua to stop
barking at strangers -- or from begging you to
let him back inside

... Plus a TON more step-by-step chihuahua obedience
strategies THOUSANDS of regular people are
already using, check out this free report: